This bread recipe came to me while thinking about how to accompany a hearty bowl of soup. It was not the coldest day of the year, but mid-February weather is cold enough to want a hot bowl of soup and warm bread for dinner. It might also be the bread for a lunch-time tuna salad sandwich with lettuce and tomato.
For the sponge,
1 3/4 cups warm water
1 teaspoon yeast
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup white unbleached flour
Bud the yeast in a large mixing bowl with the warm water. Add the two cups of flour and stir until well blended. Cover the bowl with a tight-fitting plate or saran wrap and let rise in a warm (70 degree F) place for a few hours. It will double in bulk and there will be air bubbles on top.
Add to the sponge,
2 1/2 cups flour blended with 1 teaspoon salt
Mix in one cup at a time, stirring after each addition. When the dough ball starts to form, turn it out onto a floured surface and knead until smooth, adding the remaining flour, as much as it will take.
Line a large, clean mixing bowl with a tea towel and sprinkle it with flour. Place the dough ball onto the towel in the bowl, sprinkle some flour on top and fold the towel over it. Set the plate or saran wrap over it. Place in a warm (80-85 degree F) place for an hour or until doubled in bulk.
Roll the risen dough out of the bowl onto a floured surface. Fold it over itself, twice. Cut the dough in half with a sharp knife and shape into two round loaves. Sprinkle some corn meal onto a baking sheet and set the two loaves on it. Let it rise for about 30 minutes until nearly doubled.
Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees F. If you have baking (pizza) stones, place them in the oven while pre-heating. Then when the oven and stones is fully heated, slide the loaves from the baking sheet onto the stones. Alternatively, you can bake the loaves on the baking sheet. Set the sheet in the oven when the oven has pre-heated. With an spray bottle, spritz the loaves once you have placed them in the oven, wetting them down thoroughly, or you can throw a handful of ice cubes onto the floor of the oven. Bake for 20 minutes at 450 degrees, then turn the heat down to 375 degrees and bake for another 20 minutes until the loaves are golden brown.
Remove the loaves, test for readiness by tapping on the bottom of the loaves. Do they sound hollow? Yes, then they are ready; if not, set them back in the oven for 5 minutes and test them again.
Cool on a rack and wait until they have cooled somewhat before slicing.
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